Location: Johnson City, NY
Industry: Construction/Telecom
Total vehicles: 39 vehicles
TSC Contracting, LLC. was experiencing tremendous growth which required expanding their company’s fleet of vehicles. There was not an efficient program to acquire, insure, fuel or maintain their company’s fleet in place. As a growing company, they were looking to increase cash flow. Instead management was spending too much time running their company vehicles instead of focusing on the growing business.
Enterprise Fleet Management worked with TSC to find an optimalTotal Cost of Ownership (TCO) for its vehicles. A cycling planwas implemented to proactively replace vehicles which loweredmaintenance and downtime. Through Enterprise’s relationships withmanufacturers, TSC was able find savings on vehicle acquisition.Open-ended leases freed up cash for future expansion.
A fuel card program to better track fuel expenses and maintenanceprograms to budget and control vehicle maintenance expenses were implemented. Also, Enterprise managing the physical damage and claims handling has provided savings and reduced administrative burden.