Location: Scranton, PA
Industry: Government
Total vehicles: 71 vehicles
Prior to partnering with Enterprise Fleet Management, the majority of Lackawanna County’s vehicles were approaching ten to thirteen years in service. The aged fleet was causing significant operational inefficiencies and the county’s annual fleet budget was being spent on maintenance, repairs and high fuel expenses, leaving little to no money for newer vehicles. County employees were experiencing a lot of downtime which ultimately effected productivity.
Lackawanna County partnered with Enterprise Fleet Management to update its vehicles and handle its ongoing fleet needs. The county now benefits from proactive fleet planning with the best vehicle recommendations.
Lackawanna County has acquired new vehicles and has reduced overall fleet costs by eliminating unplanned repairs and by lowering fuel costs by running a more fuel efficient fleet. Lackawanna County enrolled in Enterprise’s maintenance program and uses the budget-friendly, fixed maintenance program to plan ahead for its fleet service expenses. Additionally, the county has been able to capitalize on higher vehicle resale values to apply to its new vehicles, offering the department a lower, sustainable fleet that is predictable year-over-year. This makes it easy for the county to proactively plan and report on its total annual fleet spend.