Cahokia School District Updates 94% of Fleet Vehicles and Saves 79% in Maintenance Spend


Location: Cahokia, IL

Industry: Government - School District/Education

Total vehicles: 33 vehicles



The Cahokia Public School District (CPSD) had a rapidly aging fleet and was starting to feel the effects of servicing older vehicles. The average age of CPSD’svehicles was 13 years old. The district needed to replace the older vehicles and find a way to lower maintenance expenses which were impacting the capital budget. CPSD also experienced personnel changes also made it difficult for CPSD to efficiently manage their fleet.

The Solution

Outsourcing the management and maintenance of their vehicles to Enterprise Fleet Management allowed CPSD to refocus on students and employees instead of dedicating time and money to school vehicles. A sustainable, long-term, fleet plan was created to ensure each department has access to newer vehicles equipped with the latest safety features.

By utilizing the Enterprise Full Maintenance program and an equity lease structure, CPSD is able to budget fleet expenses in a controlled, accountable way, each year. By replacing the vehicles every few years instead of every thirteen years, the district is maximizing the fleet’s resale value. This proactive approach helps the district plan for the future and offers additional capital to invest in more vehicles if needed.


In the first year of working with Enterprise Fleet Management, 94% of the Cahokia District vehicles were replaced. The Enterprise Fleet Management team helped CPSD identify two vehicles that were unnecessary, freeing additional capital. The budgeted maintenance program saved the district over $40,000 in the first year and reduced vehicle and employee downtime. The program also gives the district peace of mind knowing that when maintenance is needed, they depend on a comprehensive network of professional service providers.

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