Kubota Tractor Corporation sees over $365K vehicle resale gains


Location: Grapevine, TX

Industry: Equipment Manufacturer

Total vehicles: 166 vehicles

URL: https://www.kubotausa.com/


Kubota Tractor Corporation has a sizeable fleet of vehicles for their sales team that spans across the United States. Prior to partnering with Enterprise Fleet Management, the company was managing the growing fleet internally. As Kubota's fleet continued to grow, the cost of vehicles increased significantly, and the administrative responsibilities became challenging to manage in-house. 

The Solution

Kubota partnered with Enterprise Fleet Management to help streamline all their fleet needs, including the maintenance of all their vehicles. The consultative approach of the program and the Enterprise Fleet Management account team has exceeded expectations. Kubota has implemented a sustainable cost model and experienced a measurable reduction in vehicle expenses. Vehicle acquisition costs, maintenance expenses and an increase in vehicle resale returns has saved Kubota a considerable amount over the past ten years.

Enterprise works directly with Kubota’s corporate office to assist with annual vehicle selection and actively looks for strategies to decrease fleet-related costs and increase overall fleet efficiency.


Over the past year, Enterprise Fleet Management has helped reduce Kubota’s fuel & maintenance expenses by more than $30,000, while achieving $365,000+ in vehicle resale equity gains. In addition to these areas, Enterprise has implemented fleet processes to minimize the administrative time associated with managing a large fleet.

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